The School Committee is hosting virtual office hours starting Thursday, May 28th. The SC reconsidering the budget for 2021, in the context of dramatic revenune challenges the city faces and the predicted reductions in local aid. Additionally, I am interested in hearing about student's remote learning experiences, both what is working well and what needs to be prioritized for improvement. The Somerville Public Schools website includes all the zoom links.
Thurs 5/28, 8 am with Emily Ackman & Ellenor Barrish
Thurs 5/28, 7 pm with Laura Pitone & Ilana Krepchin
Fri 5/29, 9 am with Carrie Normand & Sarah Phillips
Sat 5/30, 10 am with Carrie Normand & Ellenor Barrish
Sun 5/31, 4 pm with Andre Green & Ilana Krepchin
Tues 6/2, 8 am with Andre Green & Sarah Phillips
There may be additional dates/times, which I will update here, but the SPS website link above will have the most updated list.